Lukashenko Demanded to Strengthen the Protection of the Borders of Belarus

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko demanded to strengthen the protection of the borders of the republic. 

He stated this during a meeting with representatives of law enforcement agencies, Belarusian media write. 

“In the light of internal events and, above all, external ones, I would like to hear from you a description of the military component around Belarus. Discipline and fulfillment of duties, especially at the border. response measures. They use any cases to stir up the situation in Belarus and they will do it,” Lukashenka said.

Recall, earlier  in Belarus they reported an explosion at a military airfield where Russian aviation is based .

We also wrote that  in Belarus they announced the involvement of partisans in the explosion at a military airfield near Minsk .

In addition, it was reported that  a fighter of the Volyn Terodefense was killed on the border with Belarus .

The war in Ukraine has been going on for 369 days. We follow the news on February 27 in our online .

Earlier we summed up the results of the 368th day of the war . Ukrainian intelligence says that the Ukrainian counter-offensive will begin in the spring, its goal is to cut the land corridor to the Crimea. And then liberate all the occupied territories of Ukraine, including Crimea. In turn, the Russians are building up the defense of Crimea, in particular, building fortifications

Source : Strana Today

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