UNICEF-Rehabilitated School Enables More Children to Continue Their Education in Rural Damascus

Almost 13 years into the conflict in Syria, nearly half of school-aged children are out of school and a third of the country’s schools are not functional. UNICEF has been supporting the children to continue their education. Light rehabilitation of schools is one of the ways UNICEF is helping.

The rehabilitation works include the installation and repair of doors, windows, podiums, and boards in classrooms; floor tile works in classrooms and in the schoolyard; painting of school corridors, the main entrance, and classrooms; maintenance of electrical systems and structural elements of the building. They also include putting in place handrails and ramps to ensure the schools are inclusive. UNICEF also rehabilitates water and sanitation facilities to ensure children, including children with disabilities, can access the facilities easily.

In 2023, UNICEF has rehabilitated 25 schools in Syria, providing 16,700 children an opportunity to continue learning in a safe and inclusive environment. The rehab works were made possible thanks to generous contributions from the European Union and Government of Norway under the UN Joint Programme on Urban and Rural Resilience and the Conditions for Recovery in Syria; Global Humanitarian Thematic Fund; Governments of Canada, Japan and Norway; and Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

Source : UNICEF

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